Dual Polarized Antenna 5.4 - 6.5 TetraBox 6 90 18 HV

Dual Polarized Antenna 5.4 - 6.5 TetraBox 6 90 18 HV
Frequency: 5.4 GHz - 6.60 GHz (5.2 - 6.6GHz)
VSWR: < 1.5
Gain: 17.5 dBi (15@5.2GHz - 18@6.5GHz)
Polarization: Linear, Horizontal/Vertical
Port_to_Port Isolation : Better than 40 dB - FIG. 5 (top-right)
Elevation HPBW: 10 stopni
Azimuth HPBW: 75 deg./-3dB........100 deg./-6dB for both polarizations
Crosspolar rejection: Better than 20 dB dla V i H
Front to back ratio: Better than 20 dB - FIG. 1 i FIG. 2
Lightning protection: Dc ground

Technology: Microstrip, electrically downtilted - 4 deg..
Connector/Location: 2 x Rp SMA/ Back
Dimensions: 470x90x65 mm including connector
Weight: 0.8 kg with the mounting hardware
Radome material: PVC, white
Base material: High strength aluminum alloy
Construction: All - weather operation
Mounting kit: Includes mast mounting hardware, 2 inch (51mm) max.
Catalogue model: TetraAnt_6_90_18_HV
Packing: Carton, 55x13x10 cm
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Review Allview Prime H201 LTE – tabletă de buget cu wi-fi și LTE

A trecut ceva vreme de când am testat ultima tabletă (surprinzător, nu a fost una cu iOS sau Android, ci cu Windows – ASUS ROG Flow Z13 GZ301VV), așa că m-am bucurat când Allview ne-a propus să facem review la ultimul lor produs – Prime H201 LTE. Am anunțat lansarea acestui produs chiar la început […] Articolul Review Allview Prime H201 LTE – tabletă de buget cu wi-fi și LTE apare prima dată în Arena IT.
Posted on 13 January 2025 @ 7:42 am


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